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KMXT: Begich Touts Alaska Seafood at Boston Show

Alaskans are making a strong presence at the annual Boston Seafood Show going on this week. Stopping by to check in with them for a second year is Alaska’s junior senator, Mark Begich. He took a few minutes yesterday to also check in with KMXT, live from the convention floor.

As of lunchtime Monday, Begich had yet to run across Aqua Bounty at the convention. They are the company which hopes to bring genetically engineered farmed salmon to American markets.

He noted that last week the supermarket chain Whole Foods announced it will require all genetically engineered, or “G-E,” foods to carry a label identifying it as such. Currently, the Food and Drug Administration does not require such labeling, and if Aqua Bounty’s salmon is approved, it will be the first meat product allowed to be sold to the public.