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NEA Alaska: NEA-Alaska’s PACE Committee Endorses U.S. Senator Mark Begich

“Senator Mark Begich has worked tirelessly for Alaska’s children and the employees that work in Alaska’s schools”, stated President Ron Fuhrer. “NEA-Alaska’s PACE members endorsed Begich in 2008, and were proud to do so again. Senator Begich is accessible to all Alaskans and we stand ready to work hard to ensure he will continue to be in the Senate to protect Alaska’s interests.”

Three reasons the committee stated for endorsing Begich included:

1. His deep understanding of the unfunded mandates and problems with ESEA (NCLB).

2. He co-sponsored the repeal of Social Security’s GPO (Government Pension Offset) and WEP (Windfall Elimination Provision).

3. He stays in touch with Alaska’s teachers and education support professionals.