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New Ad: Alaska Veteran Calls Out False Attacks on Begich

Afghanistan War Vet Bryan Box: “Mark saw the V.A. delays four years ago and forced them to fix the problem in Alaska.”


ANCHORAGE — When Mark Begich saw a problem at Alaska’s VA he went to work to fix it on behalf of Alaska veterans like Bryan Box who calls out attack ads from Outside groups supporting U.S. Senate candidate Dan Sullivan.



Read Begich’s long record of fighting for Alaska veterans

I respect my fellow veterans who are attacking Mark Begich, but an independent fact check showed the outside attacks are false. Mark saw the V.A. delays four years ago and forced them to fix the problem in Alaska,” says Box who served in Afghanistan with the 173rd Airborne Brigade.

Dan Sullivan and Karl Rove’s Crossroads groups are politicizing the death of multiple veterans in Arizona with sickening political attack ads attempting to tie Begich to the scandal. An independent fact check group recently debunked the attacks.

Begich sits on the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee where he successfully facilitated an agreement between the VA and tribal health facilities to allow veterans to receive care closer to home, helping to significantly cut down on VA wait times in Alaska. The Alaska VA has confirmed the dramatic and serious reduction in wait times for Alaska veterans thanks to these agreements.

TV Script - Bryan Box:

Bryan Box: I’m Bryan Box and I served in Afghanistan with the 173rd Airborne Brigade. I respect my fellow veterans who are attacking Mark Begich, but an independent fact check showed the outside attacks are false. Mark saw the V.A. delays four years ago and forced them to fix the problem in Alaska. Now we can go to a local clinic and our waitlist went from over 900 to almost zero. Now Mark’s helping the rest of the country.

Begich: I’m Mark Begich and I approved this message.
