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Koch Brothers Celebrate Seward’s Day w/ Folly

Koch brothers’ attempt to buy Alaska’s elections with same false attacks in a new attack ad


ANCHORAGE – The billionaire Koch brothers are committing a folly by celebrating Alaska’s hallmark state holiday, Seward’s Day, with a new attempt to buy Alaska’s U.S. Senate election with false ads attacking Mark Begich.

“Alaska is not for sale and the Koch brothers’ attempt to be a modern day William H. Seward and buy Alaska’s elections won’t work because Alaskans know Mark Begich opposes a Carbon Tax and these claims are false,’” said Max Croes, Alaskans for Begich Communications Director.

The Kochs new ad buy from the American Energy Alliance repeats the same attacks from Americans For Prosperity that were called “false” and “not true” by two separate independent fact check organizations. The Kochs have pumped millions into the American Energy Alliance and founded Americans for Prosperity.

The Kochs have committed several follies in Alaska while spending over $1.5 million attacking Mark Begich, a staggering amount of Outside money for Alaska’s elections:

  • The Kochs attempted to pass off a DC-area actress as an Alaskan in a widely panned attack ad.
  • called the Kochs’ claim that Mark Begich supports a Carbon Tax “Not True.”
  • Politifact called the Kochs’ claim that Mark Begich supports a Carbon Tax “False.”
  • The Kochs are closing Alaska’s Flint Hills refinery eliminating 80 Alaska jobs.
  • Alaska’s Republican Governor Sean Parnell is suing a Koch-owned company over groundwater contamination.
  • The same week the Kochs closed the Flint Hills refinery Americans for Prosperity cancelled $100k in Alaska attack ads.

Alaskans from Fairbanks and North Pole pushed back on the Kochs’ false claims and their decision to close an Alaska oil refinery in an earlier Begich campaign ad:


Click to watch the ad

